A collage of some of the photos that have been submitted to the Real Nurse Photo Contest. See all the photos at RealNursePhotos.com
NursingJobs.us recently announced its Real Nurse Photo Contest:
Are you a nurse? We are offering $100 in our nurse photo contest!
Real portrayals of the nursing profession are few and far between and instead of settling for buying fake-looking models posing in Halloween nurse costumes for our stock photographs we at NursingJobs.us figured that we might as well try asking the many nurses who use our nursing job board to send us their own, real, photos and let us use them to better represent the face of nursing to the world.
You can see some of the photos that have been submitted at RealNursePhotos.com. Want to see your image there and possibly win $100? The contest doesn’t end until March 15, 2013 so there is still time for you to enter! Find the contest rules and instructions for submitting photos at the Real Nurse Photo Contest announcement page.
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