
The Importance of Good Documentation Practices

Posted in Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Uncategorized

Few things can save your job and reputation like your documentation. In instances where another clinician may question your judgment or activities, your documentation can indicate the date, time and other details necessary to prove that you acted in an appropriate manner.

Although nursing instructors attempt to teach proper and thorough documentation in nursing school, frequently new grads include either too much or not enough detail. A key to learning best documentation practices is to read other nurses’ notes. Although most facilities now use computerized charting due to new laws regarding the electronic medical record (EMR), you can check other nurses’ notes within your system. Additionally, some facilities (mostly nursing homes) still use paper charts.

Typically, all charting involves a lot of check-off boxes. In areas that require handwriting, remember that someone other than yourself may have to read your notes and that one day you may be called to testify as a witness. (more…)

RN Jobs Offer Variety and Fulfillment

Posted in Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Specialties, Travel Nursing, Uncategorized

Registered nurses are among the most respected and hardest working medical professionals.  With a variety of degree types and multiple opportunities for advanced education, the RN can see the world as their oyster—with their career as the pearl.  As varied as the nurses are themselves, so are the RN jobs available in the workforce.  From direct patient care in an Intensive Care Unit to an administrator in a government health organization, as a legal nurse consultant or a case manager, nurses may use their education to improve health, touch lives, and better communities at home and abroad.RN degrees range from Associate to Doctorate, though most RN’s practice with either an Associate or Bachelor Degree.  With an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), RN’s typically spend two years in training and gain the fundamental knowledge necessary to provide excellent patient care.  Beyond an ADN, is the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) which takes an additional two years to complete.  A BSN graduate will be more prepared for administrative positions by completing a program that further emphasizes leadership, budget management and delegation.

After completing class time and the Board of Nursing exam for the state of residence, RN’s may begin searching for a job. (more…)

How to Interview for a Nurse Job

Posted in Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Uncategorized

The nursing interview is the most critical part of the hiring process for a nurse job since it generally determines whether or not you are offered the position. Interview preparation involves both “technical” preparation (rehearsing interview questions, researching facilities, etc.) as well as mental preparation (envisioning success, learning to handle rejection, etc.). Most job seekers focus solely on the technical side of interviewing but are at a disadvantage by doing so since mental preparedness is equally important in terms of a successful outcome.

The In-Person Interview for a Nurse Job

There are four main components to keep in mind during an interview for a nurse job:

  1. Build Rapport: Both you and the interviewer will be looking for ways to establish areas of commonality and build rapport. For this reason, most interviews start off with simple conversation that also serves to settle nerves on each end.
  2. (more…)

Accelerated Programs Offer a Fast Track to Nursing

Posted in Independent Contractor, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Specialties, Per Diem, Permanent Placement, Travel Nursing, Uncategorized

If you are reading this and you are considering a career in nursing, an accelerated or fast track nursing program may be the answer for you, especially if you already have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. An accelerated nursing program allows you obtain your BSN in as little as a year or your MSN in as little as three years. How can this be accomplished?

Accelerated nursing programs utilize the coursework you have already taken such as biology, anatomy, and the social sciences. In addition, accelerated nursing programs do not take breaks between semesters or courses, and usually require that you carry a heavier course load, while at the same time participating in an intense clinical training process. (more…)

Fostering Effective Communication in Nursing

Posted in Independent Contractor, Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Specialties, Per Diem, Permanent Placement, Travel Nursing, Travel Nursing, Travel Nursing Company Reviews, Uncategorized

Effective and clear communication is critical during the countless interactions that occur between health care professionals on a daily basis. The staff should know how to communicate effectively with one another so that appropriate information is shared in a timely manner. When effective communication does not occur, the patient’s care is compromised.

The Joint Commission, which accredits and certifies more than 19,000 health care organizations and programs in the U.S., states that communication problems have long been cited as a root cause in the majority of the cases studied. The Joint Commission’s Sentinel Event Database reports that hierarchy differences, conflicting roles and power struggles can all lead to communication breakdowns which ultimately compromise patient safety and the quality of care.

Communication, at its most basic level, is the exchange of information between people, groups or entities. (more…)

Northeastern State University Reviews

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Please review this Oklahoma Hospital if you have experience working for or with them.: Northeastern State University

Here is this Oklahoma Hospital’s contact information:
Northeastern State University
601 N Grand Ave
Tahlequah, OK 74464
(918) 456-5511

Visit their hospital website here: http://www.nsuok.edu

Click here to see the ratings of other Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities in the State of Oklahoma:

Oklahoma Hospital Reviews

Orthopedic Associates Ambulatory Surgery Center Reviews

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Please review this Oklahoma Hospital if you have experience working for or with them.: Orthopedic Associates Ambulatory Surgery Center

Here is this Oklahoma Hospital’s contact information:
Orthopedic Associates Ambulatory Surgery Center
3301 NW 50th St
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(405) 947-5610

Visit their hospital website here:

Click here to see the ratings of other Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities in the State of Oklahoma:

Oklahoma Hospital Reviews

Rehabilitation Services of Duncan Regional Hospital Reviews

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Please review this Oklahoma Hospital if you have experience working for or with them.: Rehabilitation Services of Duncan Regional Hospital

Here is this Oklahoma Hospital’s contact information:
Rehabilitation Services of Duncan Regional Hospital
Duncan, OK 73534
(580) 251-8460

Visit their hospital website here:

Click here to see the ratings of other Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities in the State of Oklahoma:

Oklahoma Hospital Reviews

Select Specialty Hospital-Tulsa Reviews

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Please review this Oklahoma Hospital if you have experience working for or with them.: Select Specialty Hospital-Tulsa

Here is this Oklahoma Hospital’s contact information:
Select Specialty Hospital-Tulsa
6161 S Yale Ave 5th FL
Tulsa, OK 74136
(918) 502-1400

Visit their hospital website here: http://www.selectmedicalcorp.com

Click here to see the ratings of other Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities in the State of Oklahoma:

Oklahoma Hospital Reviews

St Francis Hospital Reviews

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Please review this Oklahoma Hospital if you have experience working for or with them.: St Francis Hospital

Here is this Oklahoma Hospital’s contact information:
St Francis Hospital
3000 S Elm Pl
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 455-3535

Visit their hospital website here: http://www.saintfrancisheart.com

Click here to see the ratings of other Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities in the State of Oklahoma:

Oklahoma Hospital Reviews