Ultimate Nurse Blog

ER Violence Against Nurses on the Rise


Posted in Nursing

In 2010, at least one in every 10 emergency room nurses surveyed, reported they had been attacked as late as one week prior to completing the survey, reports the Emergency Nurses Association. In a survey by UC San Francisco, almost 40 percent of California ER personnel said they’d been the victims of an on the job assault in the past year. In a third survey, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found drug and alcohol related violence…
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RN Jobs Offer Variety and Fulfillment


Posted in Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Specialties, Travel Nursing, Uncategorized

Registered nurses are among the most respected and hardest working medical professionals.  With a variety of degree types and multiple opportunities for advanced education, the RN can see the world as their oyster—with their career as the pearl.  As varied as the nurses are themselves, so are the RN jobs available in the workforce.  From direct patient care in an Intensive Care Unit to an administrator in a government health organization, as a legal nurse consultant or a case manager,…
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Insomnia At Work


Posted in Nursing, Nursing Jobs

Insomnia costs the average American employee 11.3 days a year, or $2,280, in lost productivity. A recent report from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine says that insomnia is affecting 23 percent of U.S. workers and creates a national cost of $63.2 billion for the sleeping disorder. “We were shocked by the enormous impact insomnia has on the average person’s life,” said study author Ronald Kessler, a psychiatric epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School. He also adds that main impact is…
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How to Interview for a Nurse Job


Posted in Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Uncategorized

The nursing interview is the most critical part of the hiring process for a nurse job since it generally determines whether or not you are offered the position. Interview preparation involves both “technical” preparation (rehearsing interview questions, researching facilities, etc.) as well as mental preparation (envisioning success, learning to handle rejection, etc.). Most job seekers focus solely on the technical side of interviewing but are at a disadvantage by doing so since mental preparedness is equally important in terms of…
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Accelerated Programs Offer a Fast Track to Nursing


Posted in Independent Contractor, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Specialties, Per Diem, Permanent Placement, Travel Nursing, Uncategorized

If you are reading this and you are considering a career in nursing, an accelerated or fast track nursing program may be the answer for you, especially if you already have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. An accelerated nursing program allows you obtain your BSN in as little as a year or your MSN in as little as three years. How can this be accomplished? Accelerated nursing programs utilize the coursework you have already taken such…
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Fostering Effective Communication in Nursing


Posted in Independent Contractor, Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Specialties, Per Diem, Permanent Placement, Travel Nursing, Travel Nursing, Travel Nursing Company Reviews, Uncategorized

Effective and clear communication is critical during the countless interactions that occur between health care professionals on a daily basis. The staff should know how to communicate effectively with one another so that appropriate information is shared in a timely manner. When effective communication does not occur, the patient’s care is compromised. The Joint Commission, which accredits and certifies more than 19,000 health care organizations and programs in the U.S., states that communication problems have long been cited as a…
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Get the Facts About Travel Nursing


Posted in Nursing, Nursing Jobs, Travel Nursing

Travel nursing can present new, exciting and challenging opportunities. If your present job situation is just not satisfying, don’t let yourself be stuck. Stick your neck out and try something new. The beauty of nursing is that it offers so many different opportunities. Don’t be afraid to try some of them. Here are a few tips to help you get started. First of all do your homework. Not all travel nursing agencies are created equal and not all facilities that…
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Nurse Practitioner Jobs


Posted in Nursing Jobs, Nursing Specialties

What is a Nurse Practitioner? A nurse practitioner is a nurse who has completed an advanced level of training in diagnosis and disease management. Nurse practitioners work closely with a patient’s regular physician, and can even serve as a patient’s primary health care provider. Nurse practitioners can write prescriptions and are also often solely responsible for first line diagnoses. Nurse practitioners can order diagnostic tests, arrange treatment plans and provide counseling. Additionally, nurse practitioners focus on individualized patient care. Rather…
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Advance Nursing Reviews


Posted in Travel Nursing Company Reviews

Reviews of Advance Nursing – Post Yours! Company Name: Advance Nursing Company Description: Advance Nursing connects nursing and allied health professionals with select job assignments. Hundreds of health professionals take advantage of Advance Nursing’s choice assignments in attractive locations throughout the United States. We offer per diem, travel and permanent placements with excellent pay, free housing and utilities, comprehensive benefits and retirement plans, bonuses, and in-house training. We are here for you with a reputation built on education, customer service…
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Access Nurses Reviews


Posted in Travel Nursing Company Reviews

Reviews of Access Nurses – Post Yours! Company Name: Access Nurses Company Description: Access Nurses is the traveling nurses’ source for great travel nursing jobs cross country. We provide traveling nurses with the best travel nurse assignments, high salaries, excellent benefits and exceptional fully furnished housing. Your career is an important part of your life and we are here to help you make the most of it. Discuss Access Nurses in our Travel Nursing Forums Please fill out our Request…
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